Symptom: At the office, you have no issues connecting and getting a Worx Plugin Network License.  When you move offsite, the ECE Worx Plugin is no longer able to retrieve a license.


Step 1 - Ensure you can get and use the license on the Local Area Network as described here: 

Step 2 - Ensure that you are aggressively searching for the license. (I know this is mentioned in the above solutions but in some corporations, the setup in the solution mentioned in Step 1 is unnecessary as the license just works...but when you move to a VPN connection, it is required.)

Step 2 - When you move off site and connect via VPN there is now another device (or two) in the way protecting your organization.  The VPN device is blocking Port 1947 (TCP and UDP) traffic which is the main communication line for the HASP Network Keys.  Please contact your IT Department and have them allow both TCP and UDP traffic (in both directions) to the the LAN through the VPN on Port 1947.