Good news for ISOWorx users running CADWorx Plant and I-Configure.

ISOWorx enhances CADWorx BOM and WELD lists output by delivering companion workbooks when batching piping isometrics.  It turns BOM and WELD lists into interactive AutoCAD tables and exports them to Excel, or CSV files. The latest update makes setting up and exporting these piping isometric companion files simpler and makes optional the previously mandatory Spool and Line Tag parsing columns.

Regardless, ISOWorx presents the BOM and WELD tables in editable data grids on the Stage Gate palette tab.

Save, Add, Remove, Order and refresh from workbook controls keep drawings and workbooks synchronized.

What’s New with ISOWorx Tables?

By default, the Spool (SP) and Line Number (LN) column requirements are now suppressed, giving you a cleaner and more streamlined report.  
Until Version 2024.213 ISOWorx required that these two columns exist in companion workbooks. They exist because of a use case where users needed to Spool Numbers and Line Numbers text strings from the CWx Line Tag text string.
Now, the (SP) requirement has been added to the Worx Settings a new option under Set BOM/WELD Table and File Controls.

Benefits of AutoCAD Tables:

Exports to Excel, or CSV, companion files that contain material lists (LineTag-BOM.xls files), and weld lists (LineTag-WELD.xls files) for each piping isometric drawing.  Throughout project lifecycles, these worksheets can be imported 

directly into drawings tables providing a method keep the workbooks and drawings synchronized.

How it Works?

ISOWorx creates companion workbooks using the CADWorx Line Number as the mandatory input.  When this value is populated, the CADWorx ISOBATCH command will process piping routes with these Line Numbers.  ISOWorx post-processes I-Configure Material Reports to deliver companion worksheets. 

Open Your I-Configure Style:

Access the Material Control file output setup in I-Configure to prepare for ISOWorx processing.

Set Up the Report:

Navigate to `Materials > Reports > Report Types > Material Control`.

Configure Report Location and Filename:

Set the **Report Location** (output directory) to `$Style$\Drawings`.

Set the **Filename** to `ISOWorx.MTC`. The filename is required, and the output directory must match the directory for piping isometric drawings.

Include Column Headers:

Check the 'Include Column Headers' option.

Enter Header Configuration:

Ensure that `DRG` and `Pipeline Reference` are set as columns 1 and 2.

Customize Report Layout:

Adjust text positions and widths according to your project needs. For example, the format `|LINENUMBER|20|65` means the CADWorx Line Number will start at column 20 and end at column 65, allowing a maximum text length of 45 characters. The width set in Report Layout includes space for a column break.

Add Attributes:

Any attributes added to the Report Layout will appear as columns in the companion workbooks.

Here is an example setup and output.

How it Works with Line Number Spool Parsing

When the 'new' option is activated, you need to set up the Spool (SP) and LineTag (LN) I-Configure header parsing columns. Their start and end positions must fall within the range of characters used for the Line Number or the I-Configure Pipeline Reference attribute, which are effectively the same.

For example, if the Line Number prefix consists of 8 characters representing a Spool Number, ISOWorx will extract this information into a separate column in the companion workbooks. In this case, the SP header should be configured to parse these 8 characters into column B (SP).

The LN header is used to extract the Line Tag from the Line Number. For instance, if the Line Tag starts at position 29 (the 10th character in the Line Number string), configure the LN header accordingly knowing that the end character position will trunctate longer values.

Get Started with ISOWorx Tables

Upgrade to the latest ISOWorx feature and experience the benefits of the new feature to simplify exporting companion workbooks.  Inject these ISOWorx functions to produce quality BOM and WELD data deliverables.

For further details on implementing ISOWorx reach out to our support team