All P3D Parts Report is one of 20 plus lists, and reports available for AutoCAD Plant 3D (P3D) Projects. They rely on P3D defaults and are available under the SOCKETWorx SaaS Mechanical subscription.
In addition, It delivers read/write Data Worksheet access to AutoCAD PLANT 3D (P3D) SQL tables for equipment, fasteners, Pipe Run Components, and editable Engineering Item properties.
This article represents a standard engineering procedure for connecting P3D and SOCKETWorx using default settings. It details application setups for on-premises deployment and presents methods and procedures for P3D data viewing, editing, and reporting.
Precision, collaboration, and streamlined data management are paramount in the dynamic realm of industrial process piping systems. Deploying this procedure can provide anyone access to P3D project information accumulated by SaaS Mechanical content. SOCKETWorx as a Service (SaaS) Mechanical fences the entire P3D landscape for project collaboration, reporting, and data management. It accelerates P3D and SOCKETWorx implementation and targets engineering essentials like accessing P3D Projects in real-time and at any time under SOCKETWorx security Roles that provision access.
This procedure concludes with five data worksheet processes that provide companies with methods that use default SOCKETWorx reporting and revisioning controls.
Procedures and Method Prerequisites
SOCKETWorx Connections to AutoCAD Plant 3D Piping databases
SOCKETWorx Data Worksheet Report Revisioning Procedures
Emailing Quick Reports
Issuing Report Revisions
Downloading Report Revisions
Comparing Report Revisions
Rolling Back Report Revisions
Procedure and Method Prerequisites
AutoCAD Plant 3D SQL Projects
Connect projects to SQL instances using the methods and procedures described by Autodesk.
Procedurally, set projects to use the SQL Server databases and set their Authentication to SQL Server Authentication.
Note. The P3D Project SQL Server and Database names will be entered into SOCKTEWorx along with SQL Authentication credentials.
Plant 3D Class Definitions
This procedure is for the 'Piping' table only. In AutoCAD Plant 3D Project Setup, the SQL Table and Column names are under the Plant 3D DWG Settings. The P3D default Project Table and Column Names can not change because SOCKETWorx queries them.
Projects appended with custom Tables and Columns will be consumed by SOCKETWorx regardless of their class association or naming conventions. The scope of this procedure does not cover SOCKETWorx custom content, but the system renders it on-demand with every SOCKETWorx Connection Refresh so it inherently becomes visible alongside default content.
ProTip. Do not put spaces in P3D Project Property Names. Spaces are unfriendly within SQL names for databases, tables, and views,
Databases Table Objects Added on demand
P3D, by design, adds SQL class tables for equipment, fasteners, and pipe run components when related parts are first inserted into 3D models. So, P3D databases mature over time. Since SOCKETWorx Data Worksheet reporting depends on queries from specific class tables, it will throw errors when they do not exist.
As soon as P3D adds default tables like dbo.Cap, dbo.Coupling, and dbo.Flange resulting from designers inserting parts into project models, SOCKETWorx will stop throwing related warnings.
Procedurally, project start-up models should contain at least one component from every AutoCAD Plant 3D class. Add start-up model drawings to new projects and remove them. This will force P3D to add default tables against the part insertion demand and remove them afterward.
Protip. Contact ECE to learn about a CAD Tool that inserts all parts that can be inserted from P3D piping specs. It serves as a quality control tool, and its output can serve this, too.
SOCKETWorx Connections to AutoCAD Plant 3D 'Piping' databases
Navigate to YourSite/Connection/Index.
(1) Click on the Add SQL database button and complete and (2) submit the SQL Database Connection popup form.
SaaS Database. Do not activate for on-premises connections
Connection Active. Check to make databases visible to the system. Consider it a global ON/OFF switch.
Overall Where Clause Drawing Filter. - Not Applicable to AutoCAD PLANT 3D projects, leave empty.
Server Name. This is the same Server Name used in target P3D projects.
Database. This is the same Database Name used in target P3D projects.
Schema. This is always 'dbo' for P3D projects.
Username & Password. Use SQL authentication credentials that permit read, write, and stored procedure execution.
Note. SOCKETWorx can have multiple connections to the same database, as shown in Figure 1. There are many use cases across CAD applications to isolate tables, data, work orders, or access. Consider now that a much larger pool of stakeholders can collaborate procedurally.
Figure 1 - Adding SQL Connections.
Finally, (3) Refresh the Connections, which must be refreshed whenever SQL databases are modified. Updates will only become visible in SOCKETWorx after refreshes have been completed individually.
Set Connections Status to include AutoCAD PLANT 3D
SaaS Mechanical includes the P3D Project Utilities. Connections must be set as P3D projects by selecting one or more rows and activating them by clicking the P3D button. Once active, SOCKETWorx configures to enable reading and writing from Data Worksheets and the PDF Documents Data Forms. This way, users with SOCKETWorx editing privileges can make data changes.
Connection set as P3D piping databases are verified with the 'PLANT3D' Status indicator.
This setup eliminates the AutoCAD Plant 3D database silos and reduces SQL database skill dependencies. It paves the way for collaboration among designers, engineers, project managers, fabricators, and all stakeholders involved in industrial process piping systems.
Set Table Report File Naming Convention for Revisioning
Navigate to YourSOCKETWorxSite/Module/Index and select target connections.
Report filenames must be set to enable change controls, and it is recommended to include <Rev> within them.
Procedurally, set the naming convention on tables where reports will be revised, compared, and extracted.
Launch the Report Revision Naming Convention popup and transfer Available fields to the Selected Report Fields list to set schemas. Use the up/down controls to organize their concatenations. The Revision field, <Rev>, is system generated. <Rev> and the <Date:..> fields can make file names unique, so use at least one of them.
Important. Static Fields must exist before they can be used in file naming schema. Refer to the user manual to add them because they often satisfy naming convention desires, like including project numbers. The system provisions all other fields.
Set Table Virtual Keys for Report Revisioning
If SQL Table and View objects do not have Primary Key columns, then SOCKETWorx Virtual Keys must be set, making Revisioning possible. Without exception, Tables must have primary key columns to implement all related revision processors.
Tables with a status of Restricted do not have primary key columns, so Virtual Keys must be set.
Virtual Keys are configured using one of the SOCKETWorx Table row control buttons. They launch popups where one column is selected from Available Fields so they represent primary key columns. By definition, primary key columns can not contain duplicate values. Setting SOCKETWorx Virtual Keys does not prevent duplicates, so account for this within view queries.
Regarding AutoCAD PLANT 3D material take-off views, its ItemCode column is the default Virtual Key target for Reports and the PnPID for Lists. Other methods must be implemented if ItemCode or PnPID columns do not exist in Tables.
Important. SQL View Objects do not have primary key columns, so special care must be taken when creating them for reporting. The Virtual Key provision exists so revisions can be issued.
SOCKETWorx Data Worksheet Report and List Revisioning
Following are procedural usage descriptions of the five built-in Data Worksheet reporting processors. Procedurally, exported file storage is governed by users. Reports, lists, or datasheets issued as revisions are stored by SOCKETWorx and can be exported on demand. Report Revision numbering starts at one and increments by one.
Procedurally, the Revision field and other Available fields should be used to set unique file names, and users should be trained to extract system-generated revisions and comparisons on demand.
Protip. Set up SWx Reports as system Primary Documents to be available for Work Order assignments.
Email Quick Reports
Users extract Excel workbooks that honor current global and column filters. They arrive by email, encouraging collaboration around datasets because of CC, BCC, messaging, and automatic revision attachments. Filenames are fixed by SOCKETWorx and equal to [Table Name}_[View Name]_[MMddyyyy].
Issuing Report Revisions
Users issue report revisions that honor Data View filters and ignore global and column filters. They arrive by email, where the process encourages collaboration around datasets because of CC, BCC, and messaging. They arrive by email, encouraging collaboration around datasets because of CC, BCC, messaging, and automatic revision attachments. Filenames are set using the methods described above.
Downloading Revisions
SOCKETWorx Issue Report Revisions and stores them for retrieval. Clicking the Download Revision will launch a popup listing all revisions. Users pick one, and SOCKETWorx sends download links valid for 60 minutes.
Compare Revisions
Two revisions, and only two revisions, of the same report can be compared, and SOCKETWorx exposes differences between them within Excel workbooks containing worksheet-1, named Report, and worksheet-2, named Deleted Rows.
Download links arrive by email. Filenames are system generated as:
[View_<ViewName>, Compare Results_<RevMax> to <Date(<RevMin>)>]..xlsx
e.g. View_ All Parts, Compare Results Rev_ 3 to 1 1-15-2025
Revision Comparison Excel Workbook
When row data changes, Excel worksheet cells are colorized light orange (#FFB175). When rows have been added, their color is set to Green (#548335). When removed, rows are transferred to the Deleted Rows worksheet. This accounts for all changes between revisions selected.
Rollback Report Revisions
This processor permanently deletes reports with the maximum revision number, <Rev>. The Revision Rollback is unlimited until all revision reports have been deleted, one by one.