
What are SOCKETWorx Load Sheets?

Setting Excel Report Columns; CAD, Static and Part Catalog Lookups

Exporting Excel BOM Reports

What are SOCKETWorx Load Sheets?

They are highly configurable Excel reports for CADWorx or AutoCAD Plant 3D models. Optionally, they can be appended with columns from parts catalogs. The parts catalog columns are repurposed by MTOWorx as part number lookup lists, hence the name of this processor.

Once part numbers are involved component information such as unit cost for estimating, commodity codes for accounting, or work order information can be appended to Bill of Material (BOM) reports as SOCKETWorx lookup values.

There are six Load Sheet Reports that are built in, and each can be customized to satisfy use cases.
Following is a short video and some detailed instructions on how to configure MTOWorx Load Sheet Templates.

All these reports are contained within the ECE 'Worx Plugin Projects' that are available upon request.

Report templates originate from Excel workbooks (xlsx, xlst, xlsm) files and it is easy to incorporate them.

Setting Excel Report Columns

Open the MTOWorx palette and launch the SOCKETWorx Load Sheet processor.
Once open, locate and click the Settings gear icon in the upper righthand corner to open the Setup window.

The Setup window has three sections.

Settings Group. Contains 6 buttons, one for each built in template. Only one can be selected.
Once selected, it will be the target for setup and be the one used when producing reports.

Template Settings.  Set the workbook MTOWorx will use when producing reports.  These workbooks must be formatted as desired using Excel controls.   The only settings available are those that follow.  Set the Workbook template worksheet to populated data.  Worksheet numbers represent the worksheet tab positions from left to right.  Set the Start Row, which is the first row MTOWorx will insert data.  Auto Column and Auto Open are user preferences.

Field Settings. This is where each of the six templates columns values are set.

Automatic Type fields will always show in the list. and they represent the CAD data from 

AutoCAD PLANT 3D or CADWorx.  

Non-CAD data columns are added and removed using the buttons as follows:

Add.  Clicking will add anothe row to the table of available fields below.  Give fields user friendly Names and then pick one of three field types.

Manual.  A value must be entered manually when exporting reports and it will be populated in every row.

Constant.  The Name become the Constant value that will be populated on every row.

AutoNumber. Values will start at 1 and increment by 1 from the first row to the last row.

SOCKETWorx List. Choose a list that has been setup and is maintained in SOCKETWorx.

SOCKETWorx Look Up. These look up columns exist with the SOCKETWorx part catalog. It is mandatory for 3D model parts to have part numbers so look up values can be retrieved against them.

Exporting Excel BOM Reports

Once templates are set, then Export the Active template by using the with or without part number options.
There is a direct output to Excel option that bypasses the Load Sheet templates for those rows without Part Numbers.