This article will cover the initiation process for Work Order within SOCKETWorx (SWx).  They are added because companies need a way to collect lists of drawings, or other documents, that are under revision control and progress then through the modifications due to change events. SWx Work Orders streamline and debottleneck critical documents revisions by assembling assignees, approvers, subject matter experts, and watchers to work on and track them.


Please reference the following video for a followable step-by-step guide to the below, and other helpful information:

Instructions to Create a Work Order

  • Step 1: Accessing the Work Orders Page
  • Step 2: Adding a Work Order to the System
  • Step 3: Assigning Primary Documents to be Changed
  • Step 4: Uploading Reference Files (Markups, Redlines, etc.)
  • Step 5: Adding Work Order Comments

Step 1: Accessing the Work Orders Page

  • Click the "Work Orders" button on the left hand navigation menu from your SOCKETWorx homepage.

Step 2: Adding a Work Order to the System

  • Click the green plus button to begin creation of the Work Order
    • Assign the Connection/Unit the Work Order is a part of
    • The "Assigned To" is the person to do work against the work order
    • The "Approver" is the person who will review and approve work done
    • The MOC# field is the document ID number of the Work Order
    • The ECN# is an optional field to include an Engineering Change Notice number if it is available
    • The Description and Comments fields are also optional fields that can be used to add further information for the drafters and approvers, but also allows for filtering and searching for specific work orders
    • The Est Hours and Act Hours are also optional fields that can be used to track the estimated and actual hours spent on work done
      Note: These hours are tracked automatically by the change system and can be reviewed in the Information Panel as shown below in this article
    • Click the green check in the bottom right.

    A new work order is now in the system.

Step 3: Assigning Primary Documents to be Changed

The SOCKETWorx Work Order system tracks changes made to project documents on a "first come, first serve" basis so Primary Documents that are changed by a work order need to be assigned to that work order.

  • Click the "Add Documents" button next to the Work Order you created and a pop-up list of documents will appear
    • Highlight all documents in the left list that are to be changed by the Work Order, 
    • Click the Right Arrow to add them to the list of Work Order Documents.
    • Click the green check in the bottom right.
  • If the "Play/Go" button remains green: Those drawings are not assigned to any other in-progress Work Orders.
  • If the "Play/Go" button changes red: One or more of those drawings are assigned to other in-progress Work Orders.

A work order should only be entered when changes need to be made to a project document. Therefore, it cannot progress stages in the system without at least one Primary Document assigned to it.

Step 4: Uploading Reference Files

Documents that include what changes need to be made to a project drawing should be uploaded to the Work Order for reference by the "Assigned To" and "Approver" people.

    This can include but is not limited to: Markups, Redlines, Demo/Construction notes, Isometrics, Specification documents...

To add those files to a Work Order:

  • Click the "Upload Reference Documents" button on the work order.
  • Click "Upload Files" button from the "Reference Files" tab of the work order.
  • From the pop-up window, click "Select Files..." 
  • In the Windows Explorer that opens, select documents to upload as attachments.
  • Click the orange "Upload" button to add those files to the Work Order.

Step 5: Adding Work Order Comments

Public comments can be added to a work order from the Information Panel.

To access the comments section and add a comment to a work order:

  • Click the Blue "i" button to open the Information Panel.
  • Click the Correspondence button to open the Work Order Correspondence tab.
  • Click the Add Correspondence button to add public comments and information for the "Assigned To" or "Approver"

Once these steps are completed, the Work Order is ready for work, and the "Assigned To" person will be notified of the new Work Order assigned to them.