AutoCAD PLANT 3D, and CADWorx, generate piping isometric drawings--the industry standard.

They usually display information that exists on 'Engineering Line Lists' which is replicated within other 'CAD Line Lists' that service these native application capabilities.  ISOWorx and SOCKETWorx (SWx) connect to provide an Eng'g and Design system where engineers maintain engineering properties and designers manage drawing properties in harmony.

ISOWorx performs bulk updates on drawing border block attributes and renames files. The data source to drive all these updates has been the CAD Line List in Excel.  ISOWorx connects with SWx Eng'g & Design Line List tables making them an alternative and standardized data source for projects small and large.

SWx is a web solution enabling users to manage piping design projects.
In this context, Line Lists are managed globally, allowing pipers from any location around the globe to batch piping isometrics and update them against them.


  1. Managing engineering and design Line Lists
  2. Setting up border attributes and the ISO Status
  3. Batching piping isometric drawings
  4. Monitoring progress by Stage Gates

Managing engineering and design Line Lists

Historically, Excel workbooks have been used for line lists and reporting.  
In 2023, the integration between ISOWorx and SWx offers an alternative.

It enables engineers and designers to collaborate around one Line Tag record to service project requirements.
They add columns to data views and launch worksheet mode to modify Line Tags

Navigate to Projects and Eng'g-Design Data tables using the Connection dropdown lists.

Two default lists will exist: Engineering Line List and ISOWorx Line List.
An ISOWorx System View will automatically appear and update whenever lists are mapped to Isometric drawing borders within ISOWorx setup.

Enter Line Tags through your favorite web browser by using the Add button to insert a user-defined quantity of blank records.

Enter Worksheet mode to make bulk edits.
Important: Save changes in worksheet mode before exiting.
Pro tip: Use Excel formulas to populate data, but remember the formulas are temporary.

The SYS LineTag is the foreign key and needs to exactly match the Line Tags within CADWorx and AutoCAD Plant 3D piping models.

Setting up border attributes and the ISOWorx Status feature

SOCKETWorx Login

Each SOCKETWorx customer has a unique domain.
Users will log in using their credentials. These logins do not consume SOCKETWorx licenses.  Add ISOWorx users to SOCKETWorx and assign the system View Only role.  Contact your system administrator for login credentials, or ECE for an evaluation login.

Credential entry is found under under the Worx Settings>General>User Interface>SOCKETWorx Settings.

Important:  These credentials will persist until changed.  They are saved locally on workstations.  Username is always an email address and Passwords are always encrypted by the Worx Plugin applications.  

ISOWorx Line List Setup.

Browse to the ISOWorx Setup tab and go to work on the Line List connection setup.  Click on the Line List Button to launch the Options popup.

Select SOCKETWorx, a Connection, and Table.

Launch the ISOWorx Attribute Mapper, and 1) pick the Iso Border drawing, 2) All applicable Field Names
3) Optionally, set the ISO Status. When set that column will update with the ISOWorx stage gates names when drawings are added and moved between them.

That's it!

Important: Map the top five Attributes with field names as shown.

Batching Piping Isometrics

Under the ISOWorx Create tab, you'll find a list of Project Models for CWX projects.
Select a piping model and click the IsoCreate button to launch the CADWorx IsoBatch processor.

Important: Under Setup is where users define paths for the model and Isogen output files, and the stage gates.

Note: The Create Tab is different in AutoCAD PLANT 3D where there is no Piping Models Folder list box, This is because P3D creates piping isometrics from its databases.  Clicking the IsoCreate button launches the CWX and P3D Production Iso processor.

Once CWX and P3D finish batching piping isometric drawings, ISOWorx is used to delete Failed Lines, and move Completed Lines to Stage Gates.

Here is a short video demonstrating how ISOWorx post process Stage Gate Drawings.

Monitoring Piping Isometric Production by Stage Gates

When the ISO Status field is selected in the ISOWorx Setup it automatically updates the Line List when drawings go between stage gates.  Columns like this can be displayed within Dashboard Widgets to provide bar chart representation.
This section describes the SOCKETWorx setup required.

Navigate to Setup>Views and select the ISOWorx System View or any view that includes the SYS StageGate column.
Select that target and set it by using the header control. 

Afterward, the Dashboard Widget button will appear.   Click on it to launch the Select Dash Field popup.
Select the SYS StagGate field.

Navigate to the User Dashboard and locate the 'ISOWorx System View: widget.
In this example the project has (93) Line Tags where ISO Status is Blank, (2) Completed, (1) Work In Progress, and (34) New piping isometrics.
Note that widget information is based on the last load.  Use the refresh button to load the latest snapshot and the close button to set it invisible.