Syncing BOM and WELD drawing tables and Excel workbooks

ISOWorx integrates with AutoCAD PLANT 3D (P3D) to create isometrics and move them through stage gates.

While piping isometrics remain within stage gate directories their BOM and WELD tables can be changed.
Rows can be added, deleted, and repositioned up or down. Column values can be changed and saved.
ISOWorx updates drawing tables, and companion workbooks simultaneously.

Changes made within companion workbooks are loaded and saved to drawings, keeping their data identical.

When BOM and WELD companion files are exported from P3D projects, ISOWorx helps keep them in sync with drawing tables.  Many use Excel workbooks to collect pipe asset data such as material heat numbers and welder Identifications.  If collected in companion workbooks, ISOWorx can be used to automate as-built drawing records with compliance information.

Setup & Configuration

Some P3D Project IsoStyle and ISOWorx settings must be configured so that ISOWorx will process BOM and WELD workbooks produced by P3D.  

Piping isometric filenames are user configured.  There are many options, so consider this sample one of many possible configurations.  ISOWorx processes DWG, BOM, and WELD files when there are matches found within its Line List TAG_ column. When ISOWorx finds matching files, it will update active drawing tables and companion workbooks from its easy-to-use BOM grid.

Following is one example setup that can be found within the WorxProjects directory. 

P3D Project Settings:

Under Plant 3D DWG Settings>P3dLineGroup, set TagFormatName Default Value equal to Line Number.  Modify Line Number TagFormat to include Size, Service, Number,& Spec separated by hyphens.  This setting is what establishes TAG_ value requirements in the ISOWorx Line List. 

Under Isometric DWG Settings>Iso Style Setup>Filename format set to include Line Number and Alphanumeric Suffix for split routes that require more than one sheet.  ISOWorx settings must be set likewise.  Alternatively, the numeric suffix option is configurable. e.g. -01, -02, -03...

Under Iso Style Default Settings>Export table on the Isocreation section, check the BOM and Weld options.

Open the Iso Style Editor by clicking its button in the upper right-hand corner.  Browse to the BOM and WeldList ExportFilenaming>Suffix values and set them as '-BOM' and '-WELD' respectfully.  There are no possible alternatives.

Also, the Table Type Title settings for AllMaterials and WeldList must equal 'BILL OF MATERIALS' and 'WELD DATA SUMMARY'. When set like this, user can modify data from within the ISOWorx Stage Gates tab.

Worx Settings:

Launch ISOWorx Settings by clicking on the gear button on the palette bottom.


Under ISOWorx>General Settings

1) Set ISO Drawing Filename Format 1.  
This mirrors the P3D Project Isometric DWG Settings>Iso Style Setup>Filename format described above.

2) Set BOM / WELD Table and File Controls.
Checking actions will cause ISOWorx to search for and process these companion files when matches are found.
Note: companion file type is acquired directly from P3D project settings.