Use Case

There are three system fields that exist to help with the symbol and route identifications.  

It is not mandatory that these fields be deployed because fields can be added for this purpose and can be set up to replicate the system field behaviors

Here we describe those behaviors.

SYS_MASTERID.  Always a ConcatenationType field that is intended to satisfy the unique tagging of Routes, Symbols, and Groups.  Because this field is a ConcatenationType, it is mandatory to populated by data within one or more fields within the same table.

There is no connection between tables nor will the value in associated Routes be transferred to non-Route tables.  

For Example, if this field was used to compile LineTags in route tables and ComponentTags in non-route tables, the values entered would always persist and never be overwritten by route table values.  

SYS_ROUTENUMBER.  Is a ConcatenationType field in Route Tables.  This field is set to StringType in non-Route tables.  This field is not editable in non-Route tables.    The only way to populate this field in non-route tables is to associate Symbols to Routes.  Once symbols are associated this field value will populate from the route value.

Since it is intended to satisfy the unique tagging of Routes and automatically populate any symbol that gets associated with them, it is the field that keeps all routes and symbols associated by a system field.   That association can be accomplished by inserting symbols on routes as break routines, or by using the Utilities>Associate>Symbol command.

SYS_PRIMARYROUTEID.  Is a StingType field in all tables and will be populated with a system-generated GUID or unique identifier.  This field is a companion to the SYS_ROUTENUMBER, but contains a system-generated value, or GUID.  It is a key, or primary key, in project databases.  One of its most important purposes is to keep track of all the associated route segments.

Using these fields on projects?

Concatenate one or more fields with, or without, separators to build up Asset Tag values keeping in mind that the concatenation is unique to each table.  If SYS_MASTERID is used as the Tag value for Block Attribute then DIAGRAMS will fill that Attribute with an Asset Tag.

Concatenate one or more fields with, or without, separators to build up Asset Tag values for any type of route: Piping, Wiring, Cabling, Ducting, etc.

Generally, SYS_ROUTENUMER is not included as Attributes in symbols, but it can be.   One consideration is to set that Attribute as invisible because it is only used on the data side of things where one can report on what Symbols are associated with Routes.

Also, LINKWorx can be used to trace, or highlight, those Symbols associated with Routes.  In this case, the Attributes do not need to be visible.

SYS_PRIMARYROUTEID = Inspection Information

Include this field in your ToolTips view because it is the best field to use for inspecting and tracing.  One drafting and data goal is to keep Symbols associated with Routes.   So, if this field is included in the ToolTips view, then you can quickly hover over routes and symbols to inspect.   Usually, users are looking for the same value, so when it is different they can take corrective actions.

Another good use of this field is under the Tracing tab.  It should be a go-to field for inspection association graphically.  Be sure to set the “Include Symbols’ control active to see all that is associated with the Primary Routes.