P3D Piping Errors - Cannot connect parts.

P3D throws an error when running PLANTREGISTERCUSTOMSCRIPTS

P3D displays "Part Not Found" message within the Command line

Problem: Plant 3D Piping Errors - Cannot connect parts.

This alert box appears whenever the CBL_SP has not been added to P3D Joint Types.

After clicking the Close button, the cable tray is inserted end-to-end, but the P3D 'leak indicator' is shown

This indicates a Joint, or connection, problem.

The root cause is missing ELECTROWorx Cable Tray Joints.  
Normally, these joints are added to P3D Projects automatically.


Solution: Refresh ELECTROWorx from its palette

  1. Launch the ELECTROWorx palette from the ECE Worx Plugins ribbon.
  2. Under the Insertion palette tab, click on the refresh button.
    This action automatically generates the required joints within the active P3D Project.
  3. Restart AutoCAD Plant 3D. 


ELECTROWorx refresh must be run at least once on every P3D Project where Cable Tray and Conduit are going to be inserted.

Problem: P3D throws an error when running PLANTREGISTERCUSTOMSCRIPTS

This problem is applicable to P3D version 2021 & 2020 only.

The error is usually thrown when Python redistributables are not installed on your PC.
These are included with the Worx Plugin V2021.245 and earlier.

Solution: Reinstall Worx Plugins and the Python prerequisites.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Close all AutoCAD applications.
  2. Uninstall ECE Worx Plugin using Add and Remove Programs.
  3. Reinstall the Worx Plugin V2021.245.
  4. Be sure to check the two Python prerequisites during installation.

Problem: "Part Not Found" message within the Command Line

The root cause of this message is most often associated with ELECTROWorx custom scripts not getting registered.


Here are the recommended steps to follow:

  1. ECE Worx Plugins are installed on your workstation.
  2. Launch any P3D project.
  3. Launch the ELECTROWorx palette. 
  4. Ensure the ELECTROWorx license is activated by inspecting the License tab on the palette.
  5. Run the PLANTREGISTERCUTOMSCRIPTS command from the command line.
  6. MANDATORY: Restart P3D after successfully running the PLANTREGISTERCUTOMSCRIPTS command.