Use Case

Extracting material take-off reports from CADWorx PLANT and AutoCAD PLANT 3D piping and steel models is as fundamental as it gets in PLANT design.  Designers often work on projects that involve numerous XREF files and all the piping routes, or Line Numbers that accumulate from them.  Suppressing content from the MTOWorx grids in bulk by Drawing Number and Line Number is needed to limit the content of interest.

Setting Overall Line or Drawing Filter

Open CWX or P3D models and use MTOWorx overall filters to suppress content from all grids. 

Click on the button to launch the Overall Filter popup.

Click on Line or Drawing and set filters.

By checking them, parts from all uncheck will not be accumulated.
Note: Only one Overall filter can be active at once, Clicking OK will filter against the active list. Filters set in the other will persist until cleared or changed.

Before setting filters there are over 1500 parts accumulated across drawings.

After setting the OverAll Filter where LINE = 4"-PG-1102-CS600, the are just over 50 Parts.

Expand this overall filtering toward your use cases.