Upcoming Changes

July 2023 (V2023.195.0500)

  • No Updates 

July 2023 (V2023.178.1000)


Drawing Automation

  • Producing electrical and control system wiring diagrams from SOCKETWorx Drawing Script Reports (DSR). SOCKETWorx as a Service (SaaS) provides electrical load, control point, enclosure, and wiring tables to manage all data and drawings.

Windows Project Manager Enhancements 

  • Added Publish to PDF file processer. Bulk publish drawing files from model-space, paper-space or both. Bulk publish individual files or group into multipage files.
  • Added help buttons and updated various tooltips on the View, Field and Table pages.

Automatically Track Changes

  • Added change system that highlights and indicates all visible value changes propagated by the system.


  • Added a Project "no-database" option. Drawings can be drafted without connection to databases.
  • Added new BreakAtPoint command to split routes, symbols on the original route should now react correctly to the newly created routes.
  • Added new ECEELEMENTSELECTMULTIPLEASSOCIATIONS command that will scan the drawing for symbols with multiple associations and ask the user to select a new single association.
  • Added new ECEAUDITASSOCIATIONS command that will select zoom to symbols that contain multiple associations so they can be inspected and modified. 
  • Added new ECEDATAEDIT command that is used in SOCKETWorx Drawing Script Report (DSR) to support drawing automation. It enables database values to be inserted on drawings.
  • Added new ECESELECTLASTINSERTED command that is used in SOCKETWorx Drawing Script Report (DSR) that turns on database value capture. It will add database values to the last route or the last symbol inserted.
  • Updated tracing palette to refresh display whenever the route data is modified.
  • New tracing option for size that highlights routes and symbols with different colors where size has been overridden.
  • Added a new utility that ensures size values are numerical. String values are no longer permitted for system size.
  • Added route grips that can be used to extend routes, move symbols, and copy symbols.


  • UPDATE - Added S_Description field to the Wiring Terminations table and added it to ToolTips View.
  • UPDATE - ECESELECTASSOCIATIONS command has been modified to only show linked routes when 
    • The symbol is linked to the route segment.
    • The route segment is linked to the symbol.
    • The primary route data is linked to the symbol.
    • if the symbol selected is a connector then the xdata points must match as well as the correct ObjectId associations.
  • UPDATE - Tracing will only show symbols that are part of the tracing system when:
    • The symbol is linked to the route segment.
    • The route segment is linked to the symbol.
    • The primary route data is linked to the symbol.
    • if the symbol selected is a connector then the xdata points must match as well as the correct ObjectId associations.
  • UPDATE - Tooltips will now only activate if no Autocad command is active.
  • UPDATE - When copying or repurposing drawings from one project to another project the data will transfer when field names match between projects.

  • UPDATE - ECECONNECTORSELECT command will now highlight and show system information about joined connectors.
  • UPDATE - On/Off page connector improvements will attempt to reassociate connectors relocated or copied automatically if routes adjoined the symbols.
  • UPDATE - Database optimization reduces communication time by 4X.


  • FIX - Wiring W_StartEnclosure & W_EndEnclosure field Display Names were swapped.
  • FIX - Propogate Data should now work correctly when syncing from Project Manager.
  • FIX - Newly added items to the database via sync should now have the symbol name correct.
  • FIX - IMPORTLEGACYDRAWING should now normalize block scaling correctly with the value present on the block and in the symbol library.
  • FIX - IMPORTLEGACYDRAWING should now import sizes as raw values instead of string values.
  • FIX - Multiple layouts in a drawing should now sync correctly to the database.
  • FIX - Hyperlinks should now be created for items that are in paperspace.
  • FIX - Drawings with multiple layout tabs should now populate data for all tabs.
  • FIX - Symbol Library up/down movement should now increment by one again.
  • FIX - Fixed issue where rarely the PrimaryRouteId would not update in the database correctly.
  • FIX - Issue where tooltips data would be calculated even if tooltips were set to not show.
  • FIX - Connectors can only be associated to the route the connector is adjacent to.  Any additional associations will be removed.
  • FIX - Rare issue where multiple associations could occur on symbols.
  • FIX - Size field values should now display correctly in tooltips.
  • FIX - Issue where Sync would Abort indicating no project database was connected.  Detecting Filename from Database to determine if drawing is in the project fails as the Database has a "*sv1$"
  • FIX - Issue where groups would sometimes not sync correctly due to incorrect ItemName in data.
  • FIX - Issue where drawings might not sync when saving and closing multiple drawings from a drawing tab.
  • FIX - Issue where a connector and/or a connection might not be removed from the database properly when syncing.
  • FIX - Issue that could occur if a connector with a Primary Route of NONE was inserted into the database.
  • FIX - Issue during instrument insertion that would not allow you to insert an instrument if there was an invalid instrument type in the symbol library.
  • FIX - You can no longer use Diagrams commands if a Project is not loaded.  Commands on the ribbon will now be hidden as well as symbol library commands being removed until a project is loaded again.
  • FIX -  several issues where the data would not be pushed to the database and would subsequently be reset to previous values when a sync was ran. 
  • FIX - Using Burst or Explode should no longer cause connectors to become disconnected in the current drawing. 
  • FIX - ECEDATAEDIT command should now properly push sizes to all connected symbols when editing data during scripting.
  • FIX - PROJECT MANAGER - Fixed issue with legacy size values containing slashes that would cause the size to display as 0 in the Data Manager and in the dwg after the drawing was synced using project sync.

November 14, 2022(V2022.318.1000.0)*


  • NEW - Users will select route types from the command prompt when initiating an Instrument insertion routine, and using the Utility Route>Modify command. DIAGRAMS remembers the last value used, so the space bar, or enter keys can be used to advance the command through table and route choices quickly.

  • NEW - Project Manager>Home>Tools>Cleanup Orphaned Data was added to systematically remove common data identifiers that no longer join route segments.
  • NEW - SAVEAS command now permits saving to current and other project directories.  Subsequently, drawings can be added to projects, and during that add operation, the DIAGRAMS processor will disconnect joined connectors and update all Identifiers so that they differ from source drawings.

  • NEW - SYS_SIZE is now editable on Symbol when they are not associated with routes.
  • NEW - Use the LIST command to display drawing and database values side by side.


  • UPDATE - MOVE now unlinks symbols from routes, so that when moved symbols are erased routes will no longer reroute to symbol connectors.
  • UPDATE -'Route Modify' will now change the route type of all segments along a route in one or more segments that are included in selection sets.


  • FIX - Project Manager>Home>Tools>Project Cleanup updated to process built-in projects.
  • FIX - ECEBLOCKDATAMULTIEDIT will now accept multiple symbol selections after executing the command.
  • FIX - SYS_SIZE, and SYS_SIZEMULTI symbol attributes will now update after being copied without having to change a size value.
  • FIX - Symbols that are copied and then associated with routes are properly connected to their new routes.
  • FIX - SYS_ELEMENTNAME is no longer replaced with insertion type values when copied or cloned.
  • FIX - Override data is preserved on copy or clone operations.
  • FIX - Changed the methods for encoding Single Quotes within text strings.  The Project Manager and SOCKETWorx tables now show Single quotes correctly.
  • FIX - ECEELEMENTDISASSOCIATE command will now completely disassociate symbols from routes and routes from symbols.
  • FIX - The sync processor now looks for and fixes routes, symbols, and groups with duplicate identifiers.

 September 2022 (V2022.266.1100.0)


  • NEW - Added symbol multi-edit command; ECEBLOCKDATAMULTIEDIT
    It is available from the Utilites>Symbols ribbon section.
    Select one or more symbols that are associated with the same table and change one or values.
    It has so many use cases like appending a Tag Suffix on a group of instruments.


  • UPDATE - Project Manager>Data Viewer and Reporting>  
    Moved the Search panel to the right-hand side of the screen and added the All Columns check box under Options.
    Use this feature to bulk selected columns, or now All columns
  • UPDATE - The BREAK command has been disabled to prevent route corruption.  A custom solution has been road mapped because users are wanting trim or break capabilities on routes.


  • FIX - Primary route information can be updated using the Data Manager palette when 'Display Route Segments' is unchecked.
  • FIX - Control Center Palette grid no longer 'jumps' when drawings are open by using the double-click option
  • FIX - Control Center Palette no longer opens the top drawing when using the double-click option.
  • FIX - Symbols created from AutoCAD blocks that already have DIAGRAMS data on them will no longer cause duplicate identifier errors.
  • FIX - The project Manager drawing viewer was modified so the zoom extents function performs better.
  • FIX - UNDO/REDO/MREDO were causing associations to become undone.  
  • FIX - Undoing route insertions that cross routes joined to connectors will no longer cause AutoCAD to crash.
  • FIX - The Project Manager no longer displays orphaned routes.  At times, there were orphaned route segments being displayed until drawings were closed.
  • FIX - Route data join will no longer remove override data from joined routes.
  • FIX - All copy and cloning operations will now honor the active ECECOPYDATA value.  
    For example, Shift+Ctrl+C can now be used to copy selection sets within the same drawing.
  • FIX - Tracing no longer highlights symbols that are not associated with routes by field values only.   Symbols are highlighted when a) connected by Primary Routes and then b) like field values.
  • FIX - Instrument ATTSYNC on closing the Edit Symbol Dialog. If the ATTSYNC check box was made invisible in the Diagrams Setting, ATTSYNC was still being performed if the ATTSYNC check box was left in the "Checked" position.
  • FIX - Instrument ATTSYNC was not performed when no changes were made in the Edit Symbol Dialog.  This is now being performed if the ATTSYNC Check box is in the "Checked" position even if no data changes were made in the dialog.

August 2022 (V2022.239.0600.0)*


  • NEW - DISCONNECT ALL Command added.
  • NEW - When route segments are selected, hoovering on grips will show vertex options; Stretch, Add, Remove.
    Using Vertex options will update DIAGRAMS position data on the routes
  • NEW - Added Tooltip indicator for Route Annotations. Orphaned Annotations can be identified this way locally versus using the Annotation Select (Linked / Unlinked) command found under the Associate button in the Utility ribbon section.

  • NEW - ToolTips options drop-down was added to the Utility ribbon section.  It allows users to turn them off/on and lock to 4 fixed positions.
  • New - Improved Data Manager Palette by adding a check box to include route segments.
    It becomes functional on route tables only.
    Column filters now remain set after clicking refresh. Added refreshing progress bar for larger datasets.
  • NEW - Double-clicking DIAGRAMS routes, symbols or groups will automatically set the DBLCLKEDIT system variable to off.  This action will eliminate launching issues associated with that setting and minimize any issues with error messages from AutoCAD regarding 'A Command In Progress'


  • UPDATE - Improved database transaction speed to reduce synchronization times.
  • UPDATE - The Fields page delete operation will now cascade into views where deleted fields are removed from them too.
  • UPDATE - Adjusted reject command on COPYCLIP.  It now directs users toward the COPY Command.
  • UPDATE - Hid the Primary Data for GUID on routes because only the Override Data GUID is being maintained.
  • UPDATE - Moved the Copy Symbol and Copy Symbol Data to the Symbol Menu.
  • UPDATE  - The Utility>Copy/Paste drop-down was updated with new command descriptions


  • FIX - Tracing was not clearing until users repositioned their cursor from the control center palette to the drawing space.  
  • FIX - Resolved route crossing issue where routes of the same or higher priority and shorter than the break distance would crash AutoCAD.
  • FIX - Resolved issue where cloned object common data causing sync issues.
  • FIX - Resolved issue with copying symbols where it would fail if primary element data was not found on symbol annotations.
  • FIX - Resolved Treeview node issue where opening the Tracing palette would throw fatal errors.
  • NEW - Added command ECEANNOTATIONSELECT:  Run it to select all annotation that is properly linked or unlinked to routes.  
  • FIX - Resolved data processing issues that caused the drawing rename operation to abort.


  • NEW- 3 new properties were added to logging statements to display the version of the application, the drawing name that generated the error, and the current command being run when the error was generated.

July 2022 (V2022.209.1530.0)

  • Project Manager - Fix - Sorting Grids.
  • Project Manager - New - Find/Replace Implemented on Database View./li>
  • Project Manager - Fix - Focus fixed on the application.  When the progress bar is shown the application will correctly return focus to the main form.
  • NEW - Added Setting to Show/Hide the Sync Attributes Checkbox on Instrument Component Edit Form.
  • FIX - Fixed an issue for symbols with the BreakLine and the BreakAngle insertion types could crash AutoCAD.  Fixes for other insert types will come in next update.
  • FIX - Fixed an issue during sync that could push the Diagrams window to the rear of other windows that were opened.
  • UPDATE - Project Manager and Cad now use the same codebase for syncing to the database.
  • Project Manager   - FIX - Issue with older saved views not loading correctly should now be working.
  • Project Manager - UPDATE - Reworked Grid Sorting across all plugins.
  • Project Manager - UPDATE - Hide Connect Connector Button on the Connection View until full implementation complete.
  • Project Manager - NEW - All drawing related functions have been moved to a Home View.
  • Project Manager- NEW - Connection View that allows the user to see
    • All Connected Connectors and associated data
    • All FROM disconnected connectors and associated data
    • All TO disconnected connectors and associated data
    • All connectors not joined to routes
    • Diagnostics screen to pinpoint any connectors that are not valid
    • TO and FROM buttons to easily open and view the drawing associated with a selected connection.
  • Project Manager   - NEW - Project sync now fixes invalid connectors and will sync any additional drawings that are not selected that need synced in order to properly sync the additional drawing.
  • Project Manager   - NEW - Implemented Progress Bar on all connector diagnostic views.
  • Project Manager - Ability to edit data from project manager is now enabled.  
  • Project Manager - Performing Sync before preview of drawings to ensure latest data is being viewed.
  • General - Fixed Grid Sorting.
  • Updated - Drawing Rename will now push new name into symbols without the need to run the DatabaseConfigurationUpdate command.
  • Fix - *.Dat file import processor is not completing. Ticket #1851291
  • UPDATE - All API calls to get the symbol information from an inserted block will now try to retrieve it in the internal data of the block first instead of going to the symbol library. This is done in an attempt to mitigate the harm done by changing a connectors symbol type AFTER there have been some inserted into drawings. This is extremely relevant when trying to determine a connectors direction. 
  • NEW - The ECESHOWCONNECTORPOINTS command has been added that will insert a green circle on point1 of a connector and a red circle on point2 of a connector to visually show where the points are. Please note that the ECEDIAGRAMSDATA command will list this data in text format and the ECEPOINTID command will also show place the data in the drawing. 
  • UPDATE - The ELEMENTREASSOCIATE command will now make sure that point1 on the connector is on the endpoint of the connecting route. If it is not, then the command will be rejected as connectors need to be attached to routes. 
  • NEW - During a sync, connectors will attempt to realign point1 and point2 so that point1 is always on the endpoint of the connecting route. 
  • FIX - Stops connectors from being inserted if the origin of the block does not end up on the route endpoint. The origin of the block is considered point1 and point2 is the distance denoted by the size1 parameter either along the x-axis for the connector insert type and the negative x-axis for the connectormirror insert type. 
  • PROJECT MANAGER - Before Drawing Cleanup begins, all drawings will be scanned and connectors will push their primary route ids up to the database. If the connector does not have a primary route id then the software will attempt to determine if the connector is on a route and then assign the route to the connector and push the primary route id to the connector and the database.
  • PROJECT MANAGER - Fixed some issues with the route table being used in Access Database.
  • Fixed some issues with the primary route id saved in the json data being out of sync with the primary route id in the database column.
  • ROUTEDATASPLIT, ROUTEDATAJOIN, CONNECTOCONNECT, CONNECTORDISCONNECT commands can no longer be undone and will clear the undo cache after being ran. In addition, the program will automatically save the drawing after the command is finished and the undo stack has been cleared. 
  • Added - 3 training videos added to the User Training videos
    2_6_1 Symbol utility that swaps the endpoint connections so that Size1, Size2, and Mult-Size values can be swapped,
    4_0 Tracing Tab on the DIAGRAMS Control Center palette
    4_1 Publishing PDF files for the current drawing.

May 2022 (V2022.144.1300)

  • Updated - The drawing list and associated functions have been moved from the Setup page to a new Home page.
  • Updated - Project Manager>Home>Tools>Database Configuration Update added which orphans the SaveAllData command from the Utility Ribbon section.
    Important: Run this function on projects whenever Tables or Fields are modified. It updates every Route, Symbol and Group affected.
  • Updated - Control Center Palette; Status column key resides under a new question mark button under the drawing list.
  • Updated - Project Manager>Fields; changing field types from concatenation type to another type will no longer orphan the concatenation settings within the Configation.xml files which then permits it to be deleted.
  • Updated - EceConnectorForceDelete has been removed from the Diagrams ribbon. This CAD command has been obsoleted by the Project Manager>Home>Tools>Data Cleanup utility.
  • Updated - Additional checks have been added during a route deletion to make sure that it was indeed deleted before removing any data from the database.  Prior, connected connectors could possibly stop the route from being deleted even though the data for the route was removed.

May 2022 (V2022.127.0900)

  • Updated - The Connected Drawing name will now be updated on connectors during every drawing sync.
  • Updated -  In Project Manager the SAVE All DATA progress window will no longer stay on top of all other windows. Ticket #1850813
  • New - A new command has been added to the Symbol button on the Ribbon Panel called Flip C1:C2 that will swap the connector data between connector 1 and connector 2.  This command will only work on symbols with 2 connectors only.
  • Updated - Additional functionality has been added to the Clean Data button: 
    1. Remove any records in the Connections table that pointed to records in the common data table that did not exist.

    2. Remove any duplicate records in the Connections table that might have been created due to renaming drawings outside of the Diagrams environment. Some connectors might have become disconnected during this necessary process.

April 2022 (V2022.119.1400)

  • Fixed - Groups should now properly save their data when using the SAVEALLDATA command.  Ticket #1850813
  • Fixed - Apostrophes should no longer double when syncing data.  Ticket #1850767

April 2022 (V2022.112.1400)

Solution Article Added
How to propagate Route data to associated Symbols

  • New - The control center palette and Project Manager will now color code drawings based on their project status.
    • Valid (Green) - File is in the project folder and the filename has a record in the database.
    • File Only (Yellow) - File is in the project folder but the filename record is missing from the database.
    • Database Only (Red) - Filename is in the database but is missing from the project folder. 
  • New - Cleanup Data button has been added to the main page of Project Manager.  This button will scan all items in the database and will then remove any Common Data records that do not have a corresponding entry in the Items table. 

April 2022 (V2022.98.0500)

  • Fix - Copying a connector should now properly construct the record in the Connections table of the database.
  • Fix - Copying a connector should now properly assign the correct primary route information in both the xdata and the entity data.
  • Update - You can no longer associate a symbol to a connector that is connected to another connector.
  • Update - The connect connector dialog will now filter out any connectors with a primary route of NONE.
  • New - A new command called ECECONNECTORFORCEDELETE has been added to the Connector section of the ribbon.  This command will ask the user to select a connector and will then remove the data from the database by deleting the entire record in the Connections table.  The connector record in the Items table will also be deleted.  Once the data has been successfully deleted the connectors primary route will be set to NONE and then its data will by synced back into the database.  Any previous links to primary route data will be removed and the connector attributes will no longer be synced with a route.  The user should now be able to delete the connector or assign the connector to a primary route using the ECEASSOCIATESYMBOL command.  The ECECONNECTORFORCEDELETE command should only be used on connectors that are unable to be deleted using the delete command.
  • New - Copying a connector without a primary route attached will set is primary route Id to NONE.  Previously all connectors required a primary route ID.  This requirement has been removed when copying connectors.

April 2022 (V2022.91.1100)

  • Fix - To rename a drawing the currently loaded project must match the project in the Control Center.
  • Update - Any missing drawings in the database but not in the project folder will be displayed as an error message to the user whenever the project is loaded or reloaded both in the Control Center and in the Project Manager.
  • Update - You can now join a route to an existing route if the data is missing from the route.  Previously an error would be thrown and you could only delete the route with the missing data.
  • Update - Database interaction code has been rewritten to insure that all data is removed if an error occurs during a command.
  • Fix - Fixed issue where override fields where missing and the field could not be added due to the primary field already existing. (this situation occurs when an override is added to the field after it is already in the drawing.) The check for field exists is now separate for primary and override fields.
  • Update - Unused fields are now removed anytime the data is accessed instead of just at a sync.
  • Update - If a route is found to be missing its data the software will attempt to reconstruct the data on the route using the Primary Route Common Data.  Override data cannot be reconstructed and will need to be re-entered.
  • New - Added General/User Interface/Group  Worx Setting to surpress or load all Worx Settings which then only displays those from the application of interest.

March 2022 (V2022.11.1300)

  • Update - The table merge process will now pinpoint any issues during processing of data much better.  Exception Handling has been wrapped around each step with custom messaging if an error occurs.
  • Improved - Project Manager will now restrict field names to only contain alphanumeric characters and an underscore with the additional restriction that the name cannot start with an underscore or a number.

Added General/User Interface/Group  Worx Setting to surpress or load all Worx Settings which then only displays those from the application of interest.


February 2022 (V2022.68.1300)

  • Batch image processor has been added to the library control.
  • Added on/off flag to publish settings to move tracing to top or bottom.
  • Added ability to add hyperlink to the tracing.  Options to turn on/off and edit the Connection Id and the website to the publishing settings dialog.
  • The PDF Publish settings will instruct the user to construct a proper web address if it does not start with http:// or https:// 
  • Switching to the annotation type will now correctly remove any symbol file from its saved memory.
  • The Image Creator should now be working correctly in the Library Editor.  (still needs fully tested)
  • Added missing file so that Image Creation could finally work properly.  Ticket #1848834  https://support.ecedesign.com/a/tickets/1848834
  • Removed the ability to have a space in a field name on newly created fields.  Any previous field names with spaces will need to be updated manually.  Ticket #1848813.  https://support.ecedesign.com/a/tickets/1848813
  • When publishing tracing, all deadlegs should now publish with the correct linetype.  Ticket #1848736 https://support.ecedesign.com/a/tickets/1848736
  • Connector connect dialog optimization.  Opening the dialog should be must faster.
  • SQL call optimizations.  We have improved the way that Diagrams communicates with the SQL server for specific commands.  Items to be updated are cached until the end of the command and then pushed to the database when the command ends to minimize the amount of sql calls.  This should help with the speed of Diagrams when encountering Primary Routes that contain massive amounts of linked items.  Currently the commands that utilize this new method are:  BLOCKDATAEDIT, GROUPDATAEDIT, POLYLINEDATAEDIT POLYLINEMULTIDATAEDIT, SAVEALLDATA, COPYDATA, and SYNCHRONIZEDATA.  Additionally, any process that calls synchronize data will also take advantage of this new process.  This includes saving the drawing and importing a drawing.  New commands will come online as we find that they need optimization and they become fully tested.
  • Symbols with their table set to none should now import as Diagrams objects when using the import functionality.
  • When importing and choosing a database option, you will now be able to also choose which fields the xdata values of size, spec, and tag are imported to.  Please note that these values come from the xdaDIAGRAMS ta and not the database.
  • Ability to turn on/off individually the values of tag, size, and spec when importing the xdata.
  • the mleader functionality of the Annotation insert type has been improved.
  • General improvements to import speed and processing.
  • Importing the .dat file will now correctly check for the process lines table and determine if the symbol should have its table name changed to reflect the removal of spaces in table names
  • A new button has been added to the pdf publishing dialog that will prepopulate the settings for exporting to SOCKETWorx.  Please note that you will still need to set a correct output directory, connectionID, and webaddress.  If the publish hyperlinks option is checked then any previous layers ending in the name SWHYPERLINKS will be turned off during publishing.  Also please note drawings that do not have a page setup saved for modelspace will use generated settings for publishing to pdf.  We are still attempting to discover what the correct generated settings are that will allow hyperlinks to show in SOCKETWorx.  The current workaround/fix for this is to save the DWG To PDF.pcs file as the page setup in modelspace.  This should be done to the project template also.
  • Process Line tables should now automatically have the Is Route checkbox checked.
  • Diagrams should no longer ask to sync the project if an opened drawing is not in the database.
  • All project updates have been moved from Diagrams and into the project manager.  If a project version discrepancy is detected, then the update project button will appear in the project control panel of the Project Manager.  A dialog will pop up allowing you to change the username and password to access the database if needed.  After successful completion the project version will be updated to the current version.
  • When a project is loaded, a project version check will be ran and instruct the user to update the project via the Project Manager if needed.
  • Updating the Items Table with the items cache will now correctly call the stored procedure when using schemas with the database in sql.
  • Inserted items will now honor the linetype as set by the layer linetype in the configuration file.  Please note that routes and instrument lines will override the layer linetype with their own linetype.  Blocks will also need to have their geometry set to ByLayer.  The most noticeable difference will be in the items that are jigged like vessels and tanks.  The linetype for the layer will now be honored correctly.
  • The rename drawing button in the Control Center has gained its lost tooltip.
  • ECECOPYDATA command has been added to the Utilities Panel under the Copy dropdown
  • Creating a new table or importing a new table will automatically create the tooltip view for that table.
  • The PDF Publish settings will instruct the user to construct a proper web address if it does not start with http:// or https:// 
  • Switching to the annotation type will now correctly remove any symbol file from its saved memory.


Convert CADWorx P&ID Drawings into DIAGRAMS

January 2022 (V2022.##.####)

  • Fixed -  Database columns with string length set to MAX will now import.
  • Improved - Edit dialogs default to System View whenever the view set is not present upon launch.
  • Improved - AutoCAD Block Attribute TAG values will Synchronize with databases whenever they contain underscore suffixes.  Basically, DIAGRAMS is ignoring any trailing underscore on TAG and COLUMN Name Values.
    This resolves issues associated with legacy CADWorx project database field and symbol block attribute naming conventions.
    <Technical Solution>

  • Fixed an issue where Diagrams would crash Plant3d when switching or closing a drawing.
  • Project Manager - Visual fix for the import block forms.  The vertical scroll was always showing and hiding the import/close buttons.
  • Drawing Import - Route by layer will search all imported drawings for layers with lines and polylines
  • Drawing Import - Exclude block functionality will scan all imported drawings for blocks.
  • Drawing Import - Imported routes will now retain original linetype upon import.
  • Drawing Import - Import Settings Dialog is no longer available from regular settings menu.
  • Drawing Import - Numerous small bug fixes related to importing a legacy drawing.
  • Drawing Import - Symbols should now be linked to routes much better.
  • Drawing Import - Sizes should now be syncing to symbols from routes on Import Legacy Drawings
  • Drawing Import - Improved filtering of data on data sync between routes and symbols.  This should cut down on the warnings being displayed about symbols not syncing to routes and the need to manually link them.
  • Added two new insertion types, ConnectorMirror and NozzleMirror to handle blocks built in opposite direction
  • Drawing Import - Connectors will now import properly and be able to connect to other project drawings
  • Drawing Import - Legacy data (tag, spec, and size) can now be imported to customizable fields thru the import settings.
  • Tracing Publishing - Can set the output directory now to a static directory or a dynamic directory tied to the project.
  • Tracing Publishing - Include/not include <FIELD VALUE NOT ENTERED> option for publishing Pdfs 
  • Tracing Publishing - Included option to combine Dead Leg Groups (DL) with their parent group.
  • Tracing Publishing - Better progress indication for tracing publishing
  • Tracing Publishing - DeadLeg drawings will now be created when combining DeadLeg pdfs.  Note that these drawings are a duplicate of the parent drawing with just a name change.
  • Tracing Publishing - Symbols should now trace correctly.
  • Block Data Mismatch error should report route table name, symbol table name, and the field name that is trying to have its data synced between the two.
  • Project Manager - Error notifications when auditing attributes and auditing drawings for blocks should now pop up on the screen.  Additional pop ups have been created so show the end of the audit process so the user will know when the audit is complete.
  • SAVEALLDATA Will now automatically call a sync to the database when complete.  This will make sure that data is synced correctly from routes to linked items.
  • Drawing Import - When importing fields from a table in the project manager, all field lengths will now be set to 255 regardless of length in database.  This is to minimize error popups when syncing data between routes and symbols.
  • Drawing Import - When importing a .DAT file in the Project Manager the symbol and image names should now be coming in correctly if the .dwg is missing from the .dat file.
  • Drawing Import - When importing a .DAT file in the Project Manager the symbol and image names should now be set for vessels/tanks/components.  The names are being set to the dwg files and image files that are shipped with the default project.  The names are keyed off of the symbol type, and the vessel type, tank type, and the vessel head type.  
  • Tracing Publishing - Fixed an issue with tracing where if the tracing style called for a linetype that was not in the drawing then a crash could occur.  Now a warning will be issued to the log file and the line type will be set to CONTINUOUS
  • Added ability to change the linetype of deadleg routes during publishing.  The linetypes are changed at the publishing dialog and are saved in the settings file.
  • When refreshing the tracing treeview, the nodes under the root will now be automatically collapsed.
  • Hid the import and export style buttons on the tracing palette.
  • Tracing styles are now saved correctly in the drawing.  Previous styles may be missing and may need to be setup again in the tracing treeview.
  • An overall drawing is now published in addition to individual drawings.  This overall drawing only applies to the currently opened drawing and any connected drawings will only have its connected fields published.
  • PDF publishing will now publish drawings that have not had their tracing values set.  The values will instead come from the main drawing instead of the individual drawings.  This causes a small increase in publish time due to the individual drawings needing to be scanned and processed by Diagrams.
  • When publishing, the tracing lines will be moved to the top of the stack.  In testing, hyperlinks that appear below tracing are still able to be clicked and do not need to be transferred to the tracing lines.
  • Symbol Re-Associate now allows you to select multiple symbols to re-associate at once.
  • DeadLeg linetypes will now print correctly on DeadLegs that do not have a parent.
  • The PrimaryRouteId will now transfer when syncing data between routes and symbols.  Increased speed of the entire process.
  • The import drawing process will now wait until the end of the process to sync data to the database.
  • Optimized the symbol to symbol connection process.
  • Route Mapping import settings should no longer throw an error when opening the dialog is the values were previously set.

December 2020

Project Manager>Fields

Four system fields for port size has been added.   These represent connection points on inline components such as valves.  

Concatenating a pressure safety valve tag is a good use case for these fields where a field for the Orifice Size\Spec could be sandwhiced to form a common string.

July 2020  Version 2020.1.41

This version can be installed over existing installations.

Project Manager>Setup 

  1. When Creating new drawings Users can adjust these fields when clicking the Add drawing buttons on the Diagrams Control Center palette or from the Project Manager > Setup interface.  
    The values entered are single-use and will return to the Setup values afterward.

Project Manager>Tables

  1. Added STD_WiringTerminations to support wire and cable terminal annotation.
  2. Added STD_PFDStream to support the creation of Process Flow Diagrams.

Project Manager>Fields

  1. Capital and small 'X' values were added as separators for concatenation fields.  1) create a new field and set the Field Type to ConcatenationType,  2) launch the edit form,  and 3) position separators between fields.
  2. Added several SYSTEM fields. These fields will be added automatically to Projects created in previous versions:
  3. Added fields to STD_ElecComp table to store additional information related to electronic components:
    • ID_EnclosureTag, S_AmpsFrame, S_MotorContactSize, S_PowerRating, S_VoltageRating
  4. Added fields to STD_Equipment table to store additional information related to equipment installations:
    • ID_EnclosureTag, P_SizeDescription
  5. Added fields to STD_PFDStream and STD_PFDRoute tables to store information related to Process Flow Diagrams:
    • ID_Stream, P_FluidDensity, P_FluidDescription, P_FlowRateOperating, P_FluidServiceCode, P_PressureOperating, P_RoutedFrom, P_RoutedTo, P_RouteLength, P_System, P_TemperatureOperating,
  6. Added fields to "Cable Termination" and "Wire Termination" views to store information related to Wiring Diagrams:
    • ID_ConductorNumber, ID_ConductorSuffix, ID_ConductorType, LAB_Cable, S_Amps, S_CablePair, S_Color, W1_Enclosure, W1_T1, W1_TSNumber, W2_Enclosure, W2_T1, W2_TSNumber
  7. Added fields to "CAD Label Data" view to store additional information in CAD Labels:
    • ID_Number, ID_NumberSuffix, ID_Type
  8. Added fields to "Specification Info" view to support Specification Information:
    • ID_TagNumber, S_AmpsFrame, S_HP, S_LightColor, S_MotorContactSize, S_PowerRating, S_VoltageRatio, S_Volts
  9. Added the "MI Inspection Circuit" field for identifying Inspection Circuits for Instruments in the STD_Instruments table and Mechanical Components in the STD_MechComp table. This field is viewable in the "Line Number", "Tag Info" and "ID Tag" views

Project Manager>Views

  1. Added "ToolTips" view for easy access to edit information appearing the Tool Tip when hovering over an object
  2. Added "Wire Terminations" view
  3. Changed "Vessel-Exchanger Labels" to "Label Data - Mechanical" 
  4. Changed "Electrical Labels" to "Label Data - Electrical"

Project Manager>Layers

  1. Added "Route Electrical 2" layer with Color = 6 and Linetype = Continuous
  2. Changed "Revision" layer Color from 255 to 7 to ensure Revision layer appeared black on white backgrounds and white on black backgrounds 

Diagrams Control Center

  1. Added LINKWorx Plugin Utilities:
    A) Tracing Tab
    B) LINKWorx Licensing Tab
    C) Button to add and populate hyperlinks with SOCKETWorx data

Symbol Library

  1. Update 4WayBreak Insertion routine enables placement on routes as long as there is a continuous route through the cross.


  1. The 'Copy Assembly' command has been removed.  Copying routes, symbols, and groups is now accomplished by setting the ECECOPYDATA parameter and using the AutoCAD COPY command.

    Set this parameter then use COPY.
    When set to 0 or 1 values will be copied if the the field is set to copy in the Project Manager

When set to 2 values will not be copied and XData will be empty after copying

January 2020 Version 2020.1.22

This version can be installed over existing installations.

Symbol Library

  1. Added Line Break Distance control as a Line insert type property

Nozzles & Internals

  1. Radial 'Single Line' was associated to the Equipment Table and is now associated to the Piping Components Table along with all other nozzles.
  2. Radial 'Double Line' was set to was set to 9-ComponentsPiping Layer and is not set to 7-EquipmentMechanical Layer along with all other nozzles

Lines & OPC

  1. Corrected block filenames for TO, FROM, & Bidirectional connectors.
  2. Applied 0.25 Line Break Distance to all process lines
  3. Applied 0.125 Line Break Distance to all instrument lines


  1. Added Inline Local Device as BreakLine insert Item.


  1. Applied 0.125 Line Break Distance to shop and field wiring

January 2020 Version 2020.1.16

Beta Version released for consumption (V2020.1.16)

ECE is pleased to announce the release of ECE DIAGRAMS for AutoCAD

This application is designed to satisfy the need for inherently intelligent diagram, or schematic, type drawings.  

It is suitable for a wide range of drawing applications across many disciplines like process, controls, and electrical.